LiDA Project Advisory Board (June 2015)

Posted by on Jun 14, 2015
LiDA Project Advisory Board (June 2015)

The issue of engaging the migrant worker communities was also a main item for discussion for our first Programme Advisory Board, which also met on 15th June at Loughborough. The PAB is a collection of critical friends (academics and other stakeholders) who come together formally once a year (although we’re also in touch with them more regularly, of course, on an individual basis) to give the project strategic advice and to help us maximize the impacts of the work through their own networks. The PAB is also helping us identify key publication and dissemination opportunities.

The PAB is chaired by Professor Charles Forsdick, Professor of French at Liverpool University, Professor Andrew Monk, Professor of Psychology at the University of York, Professor Alan Bleakley, Professor of Medical Humanities at Falmouth University and Dr Alister Scott, Head of Health and Deputy Chief Medical Officer at BT. We are hoping to expand the PAB over the coming months and are particularly looking for people from the voluntary sector to join.

If you are interested in joining the LiDA PAB, please e-mail Sally Bellman on [email protected].