Guest Blog by Dr Kellie Payne: Learning and Research at the Campaign to End Loneliness
My name is Dr Kellie Payne and I am the Learning and Research Manager at the Campaign to End Loneliness. We are a network of organisations and people that want to do more about the issue of loneliness in older age in the UK. We were launched in 2011 and our work is overseen by […]
‘The Age of loneliness’ BBC programme: A few thoughts
In an attempt to illustrate the various forms of loneliness experienced by people at different stages of their life trajectory and within different life circumstances, ‘The Age of Loneliness’ was broadcasted, on 7th of January, on BBC 1[1]. A striking element of this programme was that loneliness, as articulated in the deeply touching narratives of […]
LiDA team update (June 2015)
On 15 and 16 June the LIDA team met at Loughborough University for the third of our extended planning and reporting meetings (previously we met in Bath in September last year and then in Exeter in January this year). It was a time to both catch-up on the work so far that has been undertaken […]
LiDA Project Advisory Board (June 2015)
The issue of engaging the migrant worker communities was also a main item for discussion for our first Programme Advisory Board, which also met on 15th June at Loughborough. The PAB is a collection of critical friends (academics and other stakeholders) who come together formally once a year (although we’re also in touch with them […]
LiDA team members at the Campaign to End Loneliness Research Hub
Four of the LiDA team – Mike Wilson, Shaun Lawson, John Vines and Dina Vasileiou – attended the Research Hub event organised by the Campaign to End Loneliness* on 23 January 2015 in London. The researchers had the opportunity to hear some of the latest research on loneliness conducted within UK academic institutions and the public […]
LiDA project at CHI 2014
Although our project hasn’t officially started yet, Shaun Lawson and John Vines attended the ACM CHI 2014* conference in Toronto, Canada, at the end of April and took this as an opportunity to present a paper as part of the Enabling Empathy in Health and Care workshop. The paper, available here, provided an overview of […]